Having toilet issues in Greenville, SC can significantly impede your life. Regardless of whether it’s best to repair or replace your toilet, it’s wise to start the process immediately. After all, each minute you spend without a working toilet will require you to look for an alternative bathroom.

Toilets That Need Repairs in Greenville

The good news is that your toilet only needs a repair. The bad news is that you still have to wait until the repair is finished before you can use your toilet again. Each of the following situations may require you to contact a plumbing company.

Constantly Running Toilet

Your flapper valve might not close properly if your toilet is always running even if it’s been quite a while since you flushed it. Before you call a plumber, ensure that jiggling your toilet handle doesn’t fix the situation. If you’ve tried this and your toilet is still running, it’s time to get Tuck & Howell, Inc. to install a new flapper valve.

Your Toilet Doesn’t Flush Properly

Having a toilet that occasionally needs flushing multiple times isn’t usually a problem. However, as soon as it becomes a regular thing, then your toilet requires a repair. Problems can range from a clog to lower water levels than usual. Be sure to let the repair person know what your toilet is doing, along with how long it typically takes to get a good flush.

There Is Water Around the Outside of Your Toilet

Water should never collect around the base of your toilet. If it is, this indicates a leak. Repairing your toilet should become a top priority. Otherwise, you’ll end up dealing with an even bigger leak later on. Plus, despite seeming like a tiny leak, it can increase your water bill.

Your Toilet Has a Loose Handle

You use your toilet handle several times per day, so it makes sense that it would eventually become loose. Before the handle falls off altogether, it’s smart to contact a plumber. Alternatively, the toilet handle might stick and not move. Either way, this indicates the handle needs attention.

Improper Level of Water After Flushing

When you flush your toilet, it should properly refill the tank and bowl. If it doesn’t, then there is most likely a problem with the fill valve. This is easy to replace, but it does require a certain amount of knowledge.

Your Toilet Takes Forever to Refill

Unlike the last issue, this one will eventually have your toilet reach the right water level. However, it’ll take so long to do so that getting your shut-off valve replaced may be necessary.

Your Toilet Is Rusty

Rust tends to accumulate on your toilet’s metal parts. Catching this problem before it’s widespread means you can repair the metal parts instead of replacing the entire toilet. Be aware, though, that it may eventually require a replacement.

Toilets That Need Replacing in Greenville

Some toilets will be too far gone for repairs. Therefore, if your toilet is experiencing any of the following issues, it’s best to reach out to Tuck & Howell, Inc. to install a brand-new toilet.

Your Toilet Shifts When Used

Your toilet should always stay firmly in place. Unfortunately, once it begins to wobble, shift or wiggle, you’ll know that a replacement toilet isn’t far off. There are many different things this can lead to, including:

  • A massive leak
  • Damaged structural integrity
  • Damaged plumbing

In some cases, this problem is resolved by tightening the seat bolts. If not, though, you may need to replace the entire thing.

Regular Clogs

Every toilet occasionally clogs, but it shouldn’t happen once a week or more. The most likely cause is a buildup of mineral deposits. As these deposits accumulate, it’ll become harder for your toilet to successfully flush. Even worse, if you have an older toilet, it simply won’t be able to remove these mineral deposits from your pipes.

If you’re experiencing this issue, having a plumber clean your pipes will probably work. If not, though, it may be time for a brand-new toilet.

Your Water Bill Has Skyrocketed

Your Greenville toilet will work harder and harder to flush as it gets older. There might not be any other signs that you’ve got an issue, so be sure to pay close attention to your water bill. If it begins to spike, then it’s definitely a good idea to consider replacing your toilet. In fact, getting a modern toilet is likely to resolve this issue altogether.

You’ve Got a Cracked Tank or Bowl

Porcelain might be waterproof and durable, but it’s still not a perfect solution. In fact, if your toilet develops a small crack, it becomes only a matter of time until you’re dealing with a major leak. Instead, avoid this catastrophic issue by turning to a plumber immediately. Replacing your toilet in time can prevent your entire bathroom floor from flooding.

Scratches Are Visible

Another problem with porcelain is that visual scratches will appear over time. Although these may not be operational issues, they can make it much harder to keep your toilet clean. Once you’ve grown tired of cleaning it more frequently, you should consider purchasing a replacement toilet. This is a good way to get some of your time back.

Too Many Minor Repairs Are Necessary

As with every other working product, your toilet will eventually need repeated repairs. Even if each repair is minor, they may add up to a major expense. Therefore, before you commit to multiple repairs, it’s best to speak to a professional plumber. Let them know about the toilet’s history, so they can give you an honest assessment.

What’s the Right Choice?

Even with the above list, you might find yourself unsure about whether to repair your toilet or replace it. Essentially, your goal is to minimize the amount of money you spend while still ensuring everything works correctly. The older your toilet is, the more likely the odds are that you’ll need to replace it.

Remember: Spending small amounts on a frequent basis is not the best way to protect your money. Instead, compare the costs involved in a year’s worth of repairs versus the cost of a replacement. If they’re close, choosing a replacement toilet will be a better decision in the long run. It’ll save you money on water consumption and allow you to stop worrying.

Greenville’s Best Plumbing Team

Tuck & Howell, Inc. has provided plumbing services to the Greenville area since 1969. Our plumbing team offers a full line of repair and replacement services, including drain services, leak detection, backflow plumbing, sewer services, and general repair.

Our family-owned business believes in offering solutions instead of using a temporary fix. We pledge to steer clear of any shortcuts, and we believe in empowering you to make informed decisions. Furthermore, we provide 24/7 emergency plumbing services, so you can get a working toilet again right away.

Are you interested in getting a toilet repair or replacement in the Greenville area? Contact Tuck & Howell, Inc. today for assistance in bathroom plumbing.

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